You love growing vegetables, dig, clean, claw, roast, cook, mix, press, but you just don´t have the time Just BUY THE BOX!
Lifehack No. 01
You love growing vegetables, dig, clean, claw, roast, cook, mix, press, but you just don´t have the time.
Lifehack No.02
Buy The Box is the the obvious choice for you looking for organic juice. All packaged in a 3 litre bag-in-box, made in Sweden.
Lifehack No. 03
Start your day with an organic juice that helps you meet every day challenges
In the beet there are many different vitamins that is good for your immune system. In addition, the red dye both protects and strengthens the antioxidant betacyanin, the body’s cells, and the immune system. Like the minerals and phytochemicals in beetroot, you become more resistant to bacteria and infections.
The beetroot contains high levels of nitrate which affects the oxygen uptake in the body and causes the body to need less oxygen. In this way, the body can use the oxygen more efficiently and it becomes more durable. This has been demonstrated through various studies.
Researchers have found through studies that beetroot can have the same effect as eating blood pressure lowering drugs, in people with high blood pressure. One cup of beet juice a day should be adequate. The study was conducted at Queen Mary University of London. With the help of beetroot you can stabilize poor pH.
Beetroot juice from concentrate, 98%
Lemon juice from concentrate, 2%
Energy 142 kj/34 kcal
Fat <01, gram
– of which saturates
Carbohydrates 7,4 gram
– of which sugars 7,0 gram
Protein <1,0 gram
Salt 0,2 gram
Ginger, apple
& elderflower
As soon as you start to feel sick – drink lots of ginger! Ginger prevents and relieves colds and contains lots of antioxidants. Another good thing about ginger is that it is anti-infl ammatory. The best thing is if you drink it regularly with your food.
If you suff er from migraines it can be a good idea to eat raw ginger often. It should relieve nausea and counteract infl ammatory substances in the blood vessels of the brain. When you notice that the migraine attack is near – drink a lot of ginger.
Ginger increases digestion! According to a Columbia University study, you burn more calories if you have ginger in your breakfast juice. Ginger also reduces nausea and gas formation and is good for the stomach if you suff er from diarrhea.
Ginger increases blood circulation throughout the body. It means you get lower cholesterol and helps prevent high blood pressure, stroke and heart disease. Awesome!
Applejuice from concentrate, 65%
Raw ginger juice, 35%
Elderflower extract, 4%
Lemon juice from concentrate, 1%
Energy 137 kj/33 kcal
Fat <01, gram
– of which saturates 0 gram
Carbohydrates 7,7 gram
– of which sugars 6,8 gram
Protein <0,4 gram
Salt 0,05 gram
Beetroot & Aronia
In the beet there are many diff erent vitamins that is good for your immune system. In addition, the red dye both protects and strengthens the antioxidant betacyanin, the body’s cells, and the immune system. Like the minerals and phytochemicals in beetroot, you become more resistant to bacteria and infections.
The Aronia berry balances blood sugar and is an excellent source of energy in the afternoon when you start to lose speed, and can help you resist sugar in the form of sweets and cakes. Its high levels of iron also counteract fatigue. In addition, it contains a lot of fiber, which helps the stomach and intestines to work better.
The beetroot contains high levels of nitrate which aff ects the oxygen uptake in the body and causes the body to need less oxygen. In this way, the body can use the oxygen more effi ciently and it becomes more durable. This has been demonstrated through various studies.
Bettroot juice from concentrate, 50%
Aroniajuice from concentrate, 50%
Energy 186 kj/44 kcal
Fat <01, gram
– of which saturates, 0 gram
Carbohydrates 10,4 gram
– of which sugars, 6,9 gram
Protein <0,6 gram
Salt 0,1 gram
A great habit that lasts your whole life!

Buy The Box is the the obvious choice for you looking for organic juice. All packaged in a 3 litre bag-in-box, made in Sweden.

Many joggers and elite athletes drink our juice on a regular basis. They keep fit and healthier and many experience a better training result.

Many Seniors are discovering our products.
What do customers say?
Very easy to use and the stay fresh for more than 4 weeks.

I order my juice from online stores. It´s easy and convenient. Delivery in just a couple of days.

A small details maybe, but the double tap holes on the bag-in-box makes it simple to use.